Port Franks turtle fencing

Turtle project partners install 280 metres of fencing in Port Franks to protect turtles, keep turtles off the road
Community turtle monitoring volunteers, Municipality of Lambton Shores, Eco-Kare International, Animex Fencing, and Ausable Bayfield Conservation are project partners
Turtles are hibernating right now but there has been lots of recent action to protect turtles along Outer Drive in Port Franks. The Municipality of Lambton Shores, Eco-Kare International, Animex Fencing, and Ausable Bayfield Conservation joined in a project to install 280 metres of turtle exclusion fencing.
The new fencing is to help to keep turtles off the road. The fencing is in place to direct turtles through the culvert, which connects to L Lake, or back into the wetland. Project partners, including the Municipality of Lambton Shores and Eco-Kare International on behalf of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA), installed the fencing along the guiderail in November. The fencing was manufactured by Animex Fencing.
The work of community volunteers to submit turtle sightings to Ausable Bayfield Conservation helped them to determine that this site was a good candidate for exclusion fencing.
“I would like to thank the Municipality of Lambton Shores, Eco-Kare International, Animex Fencing, and our dedicated community turtle monitoring volunteers,” said Hope Brock, Healthy Watersheds Technician with Ausable Bayfield Conservation. “This couldn’t have happened without their support.”