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Protecting life, property and watershed resources in partnership with the community.

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Aerial view of part of the region

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority

A poster for August 29, 2024 turtle hatchling release event.

Turtle Release Event is August 29, 2024

The annual Turtle Hatchling Release Event is Thursday, August 29, 2024 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Morrison Dam Conservation Area, 71108 Morrison Line.
Love Your Greats Day is Saturday, August 10, 2024.

Love Your Greats Day is August 10, 2024

A day to celebrate and protect our Great Lakes, called Love Your Greats Day, is held the second Saturday of every August.
A file photo taken in Hay Swamp.

Property closed for invasive species management

Property, owned by Ausable Bayfield Conservation, in Hay Swamp, in the northwest corner of Parr Line and MacDonald Road, is closed from July 23, 2024 to July 26, 2024 while invasive species management work is underway.
Thanks to the community for protecting our turtles and reporting turtle sightings.
Turtle Reporting
Report your sightings of turtles here.

Find out about Rock Glen Conservation Area.
Rock Glen Conservation Area
Find out more about Rock Glen Conservation Area in Arkona, Ontario, Canada. Get answers to your Frequently Asked Questions on our Rock Glen web page at link below.