Notice disc golf course closed at Clinton CA

Conservation authority closes disc golf course at Clinton Conservation Area in interests of public safety
Closure of disc golf course at Clinton Conservation Area took effect on July 20, 2023
There is no more disc golf at Clinton Conservation Area. The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) Board of Directors, at the regular board meeting on Thursday, July 20, 2023, approved the removal of the disc golf course.
“Our priority is the safety of conservation area visitors, the community, and neighbours of our properties,” said Nathan Schoelier, ABCA Stewardship and Lands Manager.
The disc golf course had opened in 2016. There has been limited use of the course since that time, according to ABCA. The closure of the course is in effect immediately following the board decision on July 20.
The decision to close the course was made based on a staff recommendation in a report to the ABCA Board. The recommendation was made after a third-party consultant, with expertise in assessing disc golf facilities, looked at the site and found “ … numerous and significant safety issues …” with the disc golf course that was in place.
Several factors were considered prior to making this decision, according to ABCA. These factors included safety concerns the course presents; other permitted uses of the conservation area; the amount of use the course receives; the lack of available area for a course reconstruction; and the ecological benefits of the property, which is situated along the Bayfield River.
Clinton Conservation Area remains an excellent area for the community to enjoy outdoor, passive recreation activities.
"There are two kilometres of trails along the Bayfield River, providing excellent hiking and birdwatching opportunities,” Nathan said.
People may also access the Bayfield River to fish at Clinton Conservation Area, he said.
To learn more about Clinton Conservation Area, and activities that are permitted there, please visit the Clinton Conservation Areas web page.