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Bayfield River

The Bayfield River basin is 500 km², beginning northeast of Dublin in West Perth and outletting at Bayfield. The Bayfield’s main tributary is the Bannockburn River. Trick’s Creek is also a significant tributary as it contributes base flow to the Bayfield River, which is important during periods of low rainfall and to the local recreational fishery.

Agriculture is the most common land use, and total forest cover in this watershed is approximately 11 per cent. Most of the wooded areas generally occur in the river valleys, but are most common in the Bayfield River valley downstream of Clinton, and the lower reaches of Trick’s Creek and Bannockburn River. Elsewhere, the remaining woodlots tend to be broken mid-concession corridors running perpendicular to the stream systems.

Since 2011, local citizens have been preparing and implementing a watershed plan to protect and enhance the Bayfield River. 

The Main Bayfield Watershed is one of five priority areas – sentinel watersheds for long-term monitoring, project implementation and evaluation – identified along the southeast shore of Lake Huron as part of the Healthy Lake Huron – Clean Water, Clean Beaches partnership.

Main Bayfield Watershed Plan

The community launched a long-term, community-based watershed plan in 2013. 

Following the key strategies of the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Initiative for Community Action, the Main Bayfield Watershed Plan builds awareness, supports community involvement, and helps to implement actions to protect and enhance the watershed.

Recommendations in the plan include: building awareness, involving the community, taking actions and monitoring effects. 

For the Community Watershed Plan in the Main Bayfield Watershed visit this link:

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation would like to acknowledge the support of the Fred and Barbara Erb Family Foundation.

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