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Tree order form online



Tree orders through fall tree order program can add to tens of thousands of trees already planted in 2018

Fall tree order form is available online; Orders accepted in September; Autumn is good time to plant trees when crops are off, weather cools

Tree planting crews, working with local landowners and other partners, planted more than 56,000 trees this past spring, achieving Ausable Bayfield Conservation’s highest spring total in ten years. Local landowners will be helping to build on that success by planting even more trees this autumn.  

The fall tree order program is now underway for those interested in taking advantage of another good tree planting window, according to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). Autumn is also a good time to order trees and think ahead to the spring season, according to Ian Jean, ABCA Forestry and Land Stewardship Specialist. Autumn is a good time to plant ball and burlap evergreens and potted deciduous trees, he said. If you are planting trees next spring, site preparation is best done in September and October.

Mail and faxed tree orders must be received by September 15, 2018. Orders are taken accompanied by payment in full until September 28, 2018. 

Grants may cover up to 100 per cent of the cost of reforestation projects. Cost-share funding may be available for establishing field windbreaks, treed buffers, and other tree planting projects. Staff members can help agricultural producers and other rural landowners with project design and grant applications. Staff members can also help you with many aspects of land stewardship, including planting plans, site preparation, forest management plans, and erosion control advice.

Ball-and-burlap species available through the fall tree order program include White Cedar; Norway Spruce; Blue Spruce; White Spruce; and White Pine. Potted trees available include Silver Maple; Sugar Maple; Red Oak; Bur Oak; Tulip Tree; and Sycamore. “Two-foot balled and burlap Spruce and Cedar are ideal to create shelterbelts and windbreaks on fields and farms,” according to Jean.

To download the tree order form visit the website at this link:

To find out more call Ian or Nathan at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610.

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