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New land trust free newsletter



Newsletter to keep community informed about work of Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy to protect natural lands in the future

Public invited to subscribe to free electronic newsletter to find out more about community board of directors’ work with the community to protect and preserve lands of natural, recreational, scenic, historical, or agricultural importance

A local organization that was formed to help preserve natural land, in the historic area of the Huron Tract, has created its first electronic newsletter. The Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy invites you to subscribe to the newsletter at this link:

You can see the first issue of the newsletter at this link:

Bayfield’s Roger Lewington is Chair of the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy (HTLTC). He says the newsletter provides a cost-effective way to keep people informed about efforts to preserve local natural lands for the future. “We want to make people aware of this land trust, which is a new option for donors to help preserve natural land in this part of Ontario,” he said. “The Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy offers a way for people to leave a local land legacy. People can help to permanently protect and preserve the natural, recreational, scenic, historical, or agricultural importance of some of the properties of the historic Huron Tract area.”

Land trusts or land conservancies are independent, charitable organizations that work with private landowners to preserve open space and nature. Land trusts accept donations and bequests of land and conservation agreements and, in some cases, may purchase land or conservation agreements. The land is then protected from that time on.

The Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy (HTLTC) is a new land trust created in 2011 by the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation, a registered Canadian charity. The HTLTC is a volunteer organization with a community board of directors. For more information visit

The Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy gives people a safe, reliable, long-term way to leave financial contributions or bequests of real property for the protection of the land, water, and species for generations to come.

The Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy gets its name and geographic boundaries from the days of early settlement in this part of Ontario. The Huron Tract was purchased by the Canada Company, an agent of the British government, to be distributed to colonial settlers of Upper Canada.


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