Blue Fish Canada donates fishing tackle receptacle

Blue Fish Canada donates receptacle, at Morrison Dam Conservation Area, for discarded fishing tackle
Anglers can deposit discarded fishing line, soft plastic baits, hooks, lead sinkers and jigs into receptacle east of Exeter to protect birds and aquatic life such as fish, turtles
Blue Fish Canada has donated a receptacle for discarded fishing tackle at Morrison Dam Conservation Area east of Exeter. Acceptable items include fishing line, soft plastic baits, hooks, lead sinkers and jigs.
Matt Fryer, of Lucan, is the Vice-President and Conservation Director of the Forest City Bassmasters and installed the Fishing Tackle Recycler on July 26, 2021 near the fishing dock.
Many birds, crayfish, turtles and other aquatic life are injured or killed each year as a result of fishing line and its associated hooks and tackle that have been disposed improperly along shorelines, caught in trees or leaving boats in the water. Fishing line entangles animals, making them vulnerable to predators, starvation and drowning. As they struggle, the line becomes tighter, cutting off circulation and can sever wings or legs. Fishing hooks can damage eyesight and if swallowed, can damage mouths and beaks.
“We appreciate the generosity of Blue Fish Canada providing the container, and Matt’s time to install and monitor the container and empty the contents,” said Kate Monk, Stewardship, Land and Education Manager at Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA).