Risk Management Office - Drinking Water Source Protection
This is the page for the Risk Management Office of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) for the drinking water source protection program in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region.
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) has been delegated to provide Risk Management Official (RMO) and Risk Management Inspector (RMI) services by and for the following eight municipalities:
- Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh
- Municipality of Bluewater
- Municipality of Central Huron
- Municipality of Huron East
- Township of Huron-Kinloss
- Municipality of Morris-Turnberry
- Township of North Huron
- Municipality of North Perth
What is a risk management official?
A risk management official is appointed by the municipality and trained to standards set by provincial regulation. Their training includes biosecurity, health and safety, and more. In the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region, eight of the nine municipalities with significant drinking water threat activities have delegated their authority to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority to provide risk management services on their behalf.
The risk management official (RMO) negotiates risk management plans with persons engaged in a land-use activity. The official also issues notices in certain areas regarding changes in land uses, new building construction, or changes in building construction.
What is a risk management inspector?
A risk management inspector (RMI) inspects activities to ensure compliance with the risk management plan.
What is a risk management plan?
A risk management plan regulates activities that pose a significant drinking water threat to municipal drinking water sources.
The risk management plan (RMP) includes best management practices designed to ensure that risks to the municipal drinking water source are reduced or eliminated. The plan is generally negotiated between the person doing the activity and a risk management official.
For example, if fuel stored at a service station was a significant threat to drinking water, a risk management official would work with the gas station owner. Together, they would develop a risk management plan to reduce the chance of spills from an underground tank.
The risk management plan may be simple and straightforward in cases where best management practices are already in place. The plans can be amended as activities and operations change over time.
For more information, visit our contact page for our drinking water source protection staff at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610.
Section 59 Forms
Here are forms for Section 59 (Restricted Land Uses as per Ontario Clean Water Act, 2006) notices:
- Screening Guide for Applicants - Section 59
- Submission Form - Section 59 - Restricted Land Uses – 1 MB (large) PDF file
You may also visit the local source protection region website at: sourcewaterinfo.on.ca/