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Shoreline Management

Shoreline Management Plan

Welcome to the Shoreline Management Plan web page.

The Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is the result of work between 2015 and 2019 which resulted in updates to the Shoreline Management Plan for the Lake Huron shoreline within the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) area.

We would like to thank all the members of the public – including shoreline residents and industry representatives as well as municipalities - for their contributions to this plan over more than four years (2015-2019) of its development. 

Natural Hazard Mapping

For mapping for the new Shoreline Management Plan, please visit the following links:

The updated, approved Shoreline Management Plan (in effect; approved 2019) is posted below:

Shoreline Management Plan - Approved 2019

Below is the link to the approved Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) for the Lake Huron shoreline of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) area – with the exception of appendices which are posted separately (due to file size):

Cover of Shoreline Management PlanThe above document is a large PDF (about 2 MB in size) and contains Executive Summary; Table of Contents; 1. Introduction; 2. Legislative Authority, Policy and Technical Direction for Shoreline Management Planning; 3. Technical Analysis and Description; 4. Shoreline Hazards; 5. Shoreline Management; 6. Engagement for SMP Development; 7. References; and Appendices Titles.

Due to the size of the files, the Appendices are posted separately below. Please download the appendices separately:

The above are the appendices to the Shoreline Management Plan updated and approved in 2019.

The new updated Shoreline Management Plan, as amended and approved, was posted on this web page on March 1, 2019.

Archived Content

Documents and web pages identified as archived on this website are for the intent of record-keeping, research or reference and are not revised to meet more recent standards for newer content. Following the date of archiving, it has not been updated. You may request documents in alternate formats upon request.

The followiing is the content of this web page archived on May 4, 2023:

Fact sheets for property owners 

Visit our Lake Huron web page for new fact sheets:

Download the fact sheets now:

Proposed Shoreline Protection Works Applications

The Board of Directors of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) approved the following documents, in September of 2018, related to applications and proposals for shoreline protection works.

What is a Shoreline Management Plan?

The main focus of the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is to address shoreline hazards for flooding, erosion, and dynamic beaches and their impact on shoreline development. 

The main objectives of this focus are:

i. To reduce or eliminate damage due to periods of erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach movement that may occur to development close to the shore of Lake Huron.

ii. To help protect existing development from potential impacts of new development.

iii. To direct new development away from hazardous areas. 

The map image shows the study area.   


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Members of the public are invited to subscribe to a free electronic newsletter, delivered by email, that provides updates about shoreline management in the watershed. To sign up to receive these updates you may visit this link:

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