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Conservation Projects

Conservation projects on your property

Everyone can do projects to help improve their properties and the watershed. Staff are available to provide ideas, technical advice and links to grants to help cover project costs. For more information, please visit the Stewardship, Restoration and Forestry web page. 

Environmental Farm Plans (EFPs) 

Environmental Farm Plans (EFPs) are voluntarily prepared assessments by farm families to increase their environmental awareness in up to 23 different areas on their farm. 

Through the EFP process, agricultural producers highlight their farm's environmental strengths, identify areas of environmental concern and set realistic action plans with timetables to improve environmental conditions. 
Cost-share programs are available to assist with project costs.

To learn more, please visit the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association website at:

Rural Landowner Stewardship Guides

The Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide is based on the Environmental Farm Plan and is designed for rural non-farm landowners. The over-riding goal is to protect and enhance the natural environment – both groundwater and surface water such as watercourses, ravines, wetlands and lakes, and the natural heritage features that support these ecosystems. The free guide is available at:

 Landscaping and garden projects help create habitat and reduce the impacts of rainfall events.

Rain Barrels

Rain barrels are a simple way for landowners to harvest rain water and helping them to meet increased water demands without taxing municipal drinking water systems or private wells. 

The added benefit is that this water is not running off the land where it could transport soil and pollutants into our storm sewers, creeks, rivers, lake, and drinking water sources. 

Installed at eavestrough downspouts, rain barrels can hold up to 220 litres of rainwater which can be used to water gardens, plants, lawns and trees. 

Many local home and garden retailers sell rain barrels. The company reclaims food-grade barrels to be reused as rain barrels. 

Partnerships with local non-profit organizations result in fundraising truckload sales events for dozens of communities in Ontario. For more information, visit:

Rain Gardens

Rain gardens are shallow, sunken gardens designed to collect, capture; soak up, absorb and filter stormwater runoff from roofs, roads, and driveways. This reduces flooding, improves water quality, creates habitat and beautifies your yard. These gardens can be designed to match existing landscaping, formal gardens or natural gardens. Homeowners can choose plants specifically to attract birds, butterflies, and other pollinators. 

For more information about how to create a rain garden and grant programs, contact Hope Brock, Healthy Watersheds Technician, at or 519-235-2610, or toll-free 1-888-286-2610, extension 246.

Here is the list of local contractors with rain garden design and construction experience, endorsed by Landscape Ontario: